About the Theatre

Lalanit Theatre was founded in 2011 in Ljubljana under the
umbrella of the Society for Puppet Creators by actor-animator, director,
storyteller, puppet creator and author Iuna Ornik.

The word «lalanit« is a made-up word. It comes from
the author's » A Youthful Poem«* and means to sow goodwill. It can also mean a
nice memory, a melody you whistle, a sweet secret ... in short, something nice
that endures.

Lalanit is also the fragile and strong power inside a
person, with which you can help yourself with the ability of your hands, spirit
and heart and thus survive the stormy world around us. Therefore, Lalanit
Theatre is above all an intimate, original and poetic theatre.

Lalanit became the leading motif in the later creation
of original poetry, particularly in the production of the same name, LALANIT,
produced by the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre in the year 2000, where the main goal
was to make children laugh.

Out of that, Lalanit Theatre was born, a theatre for
children and the child-like alike who wish to sow goodwill together.

The author invites different artists to the theatre,
with whom she seeks creative original contributions through various textual,
dramaturgical, artistic, directorial and musical approaches. In this way she
encourages new opportunities in search of puppet-theatre media with a variety of